2017-12-01 map function replace apply family in base r
2017-11-22 good book recommendation r for data science
2017-09-14 data visualization series iv create interactive map in r
2017-07-21 kaggle 竞赛有感之小议模型训练的欠拟合与过拟合
2017-07-11 kaggle competition series 1 2
2017-05-10 deep learning series 8 10
2017-05-09 deep learning series 7 text document classification using 20 newsgroups dataset
2017-05-08 python tips 2 使用reload sys 后 再使用print语句无输出
2017-05-07 python tips 1 unicodeencodeerror ascii codec can 03
2017-02-08 computer vision series 1 2
2016-12-27 text mining series 1 sentiment analysis
2016-12-15 转载 用glmnet包实施套索算法 lasso
2016-11-12 deep learning series in python 5 6
2016-11-11 安装和使用深度学习包keras时遇到的卷积层维度和openblas问题
2016-09-13 deep learning series in python 1 4
* 2016-08-23 simple data analysis web application by shiny
2016-08-23 data visualization gallery
2016-08-15 r books recommendation
* 2016-07-28 word cloud web application by shiny
2016-07-27 data in action series 5 regression models
2016-07-27 data in action series 4 text classification
2016-07-21 data science series in python
2016-07-20 data in action series 3 image compression
2016-07-20 data in action series 2 recognition of human faces
2016-07-20 data in action series 1 recognition of handwritten digits
2016-06-01 data analysis series vi some analysis using automobile data by r and python
2016-05-31 data analysis series v some analysis using world top income data by pandas
2016-05-23 data analysis series iv the introduction of some simulations
2016-05-17 data analysis series iii the introduction of some distributions
* 2016-05-14 data analysis series ii looking at data two and more variables
* 2016-05-10 data analysis series i looking at data a single variable
2016-04-30 data visualization series iii do some plot for big data by bokeh in python
2016-04-02 big data series i the introduction of spark in python
2016-03-30 windows 上使用ipython note book 打开pyspark
2016-03-22 data visualization series ii do some plot by seaborn in python
2016-03-04 数据可视化之 用r画地图 某市的各区构成图
* 2016-03-04 data visualization series i creating a map in r
2016-03-03 虚拟机中ubuntu中的python spark notebook
2016-03-02 r中recharts包安装失败的解决方法
2016-02-19 classification model series i do some classification models in r by iris data set
2016-01-16 cluster for some short texts in r
2016-01-16 a small tip about r transform the variable
2016-01-16 a small tip about r subset one collumn from a dataframe
2016-01-16 a small tip about r change the order of factor levels
2015-12-05 python画图包seaborn和matplotlib中文字体显示 针对windows系统 使用ipython notebook
2015-11-10 巧用主成分分析 链接文章中有python代码
2015-07-20 购物篮分析 market basket analysis
2015-05-24 重讀 an introduction to statistical learning 筆記 第四章
2015-05-22 sas statistical model summary exercise
2015-03-19 重讀 an introduction to statistical learning 筆記2 第三章
2015-03-18 重讀 an introduction to statistical learning 筆記1 前兩個章節