R for beginners
Simple R
R in a Nutshell
R in Action
R Cookbook
The Art of R Programming
Concepts in Computing with Data (Berkeley Stat 133 Class Notes)
Data Analysis with Open Source Tools
R inferno
Handling and Processing Strings in R (Berkeley)
Data Visualization:
R Graphics Cookbook - Winston Chang (introduce R package “ggplot2”)
Visualize this
Data Mining:
Machine learning for Hackers
Data Mining with R - Learning with Case Studies
Data Mining Applications with R
Applied Predictive Modeling (the writer create R package “caret”)
Advanced R (by Hadley Wickham) http://adv-r.had.co.nz/
R Programming for Bioinformatics (Robert Gentleman)
Software for data analysis programming with R (John M. Chambers)
The Elements of Statistical Learning
An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R
Modern Applied Statistics With S
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Just record, this article was posted at linkedin, and have 70 views to November 2021.