
Market basket analysis


Most of the code is cleaning the data, and rearrange the data to the type of which model needed. Codes for model only one or two lines.

注:数据以数据框格式读入时,字符型默认会保存为因子(factor),字符拆分函数仅适用于字符型,而不是因子型(表面是字符,实际以数字保存),屡屡报错。需要使用as.character去强制转换类型,然后再进行字符拆分,或者读入数据框时,添加stringsAsFactors = FALSE

PS: when you read the data as data.frame, the columns include strings always was treated as a factor by default, then the function strsplit will always give an error, because strsplit only use for the character, not the factor. Factor actually was number, not character. Suggestion: use as.character to transform the factor to a string, or when you read the data as data frame, you should add arguments stringsAsFactors = FALSE.


## raw data
rule_data <- read.csv("data.csv")

## new data
rule_data2 <- data.frame(rule_data[, "清单"])
names(rule_data2) <- "items"
rule_data2$new_items <- as.character(rule_data2$items)
rule_data2$id <- 1 : nrow(rule_data2)

###  找出领用多项物资的行号
multi_items <- grep("^:", rule_data2$new_items, fixed = TRUE)
###  把一个字符串拆分成多个物资
temp <- strsplit(rule_data2$new_items[multi_items], "^:", fixed = TRUE)
###  delete 逗号后面的规格型号等附加信息
temp2 <- lapply(temp, function(y) {
  unlist(lapply(strsplit(y, ",", fixed = TRUE), function(x) {x[1]}))
### delete 重复的物资
temp3 <- lapply(temp2, function(x) {unique(x)})
len <- unlist(lapply(temp3, function(x) length(x)))
rep_id <- rep(multi_items, times = len)
df <- data.frame(id = rep_id, item = unlist(temp3), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

df2 <- rule_data2[-multi_items, c("id", "new_items")]
###  delete 单个物资逗号后面的规格型号等附加信息
temp <- unlist(lapply(df2$new_items, function(y) {
  unlist(lapply(strsplit(y, ",", fixed = TRUE), function(x) {x[1]}))

temp2 <- unlist(lapply(temp, function(y) {
  unlist(lapply(strsplit(y, ",", fixed = TRUE), function(x) {x[1]}))

df2$item <- unlist(lapply(temp2, function(y) {
  unlist(lapply(strsplit(y, " ", fixed = TRUE), function(x) {x[1]}))

### renewed data
df3 <- rbind(df, df2[, c("id", "item")])

###  转换为关联规则适用的格式
test_data <- as(split(df3[ , "item"], df3[ , "id"]), "transactions")


You could use data Groceries which belong to R package to test the model.

假设有10000个人购买了产品,其中购买A产品的人是1000个,购买B产品的人是2000个, AB同时购买的人是800个。

支持度指的是关联的产品(假定A产品和B产品关联)同时购买的人数占总人数的比例, 即800/10000=8%,有8%的用户同时购买了A和B两个产品;

可信度指的是在购买了一个产品之后购买另外一个产品的可能性,例如购买了A产品之后 购买B产品的可信度=800/1000=80%,即80%的用户在购买了A产品之后会购买B产品;

提升度就是在购买A产品这个条件下购买B产品的可能性与没有这个条件下购买B产品的可能 性之比,没有任何条件下购买B产品可能性=2000/10000=20%,那么提升度=80%/20%=4。

###  run model
rules = apriori(test_data, parameter = list(support = 0.01,confidence = 0.2))
# 按支持度查看规则
inspect(sort(rules, by = "support"))
inspect(sort(rules, by = "confidence"))
#也可以用subset做规则的筛选,取"右手边"含有whole milk且lift大于1.2的规则
sub.rules <- subset(rules, subset = rhs %in% "单头螺栓" & lift > 1.2)
inspect(sort(sub.rules, by = "confidence"))
itemFrequencyPlot(test_data,support = 0.01, cex.names = 0.8)

plot(rules, shading = "order", control = list(main = "Two-key plot"))
plot(rules, method = "grouped")
plot(rules, method = "graph")

